Teapot Done is just outside of Mountain Home. It was a little more interesting than I originally thought it was. It was pretty easy and only about 3 miles. It's not really worth making a trip all the way out there just for this, but if you are passing through or live close by, it's worth doing at least once. I did this in the morning and then went and did Rattlesnake Spring so that I could finish the 2 hikes I had planned in that area. It was a clear day, although there was a cold wind, so I did not stay on the top very long since my fingers were freezing off.
Rattlesnake Spring is only a few minutes away and goes down a canyon, similar to Perjue and Little City of Rocks. I hiked in a few miles but you can go a little further. Ultimately there isn't really any destination, just hike in and have fun until you want to turn around.