Pioneer Cabin

   This is part of the 'show Jessica and Austin some stuff I have done since they now like hiking' series. Today was Pioneer Cabin. The morning started off really nice and we made pretty good time around the loop. Once we hit about halfway up though we started running into some snow patches we had to go through or go around. Closer to the top we ran into some very large and deep ones that we could not go around. Those were pretty bad and slowed us down quite a bit. We were postholing about 3 feet down with every step if we were unable to go around. That made the hike pretty tiring and not great fun, although we did make it to the cabin. The way down was clear almost all the way and much easier and faster. You never quite know the snow level until you see it and by that time it's usually too late to really do much about it except turn around or plow through it, and once you get to a certain point, it's easier to keep going than to turn around. I'm used to unexpected events coming up on hikes, they happen all the time. This was probably a first for Jessica though who didn't seem to be terribly impressed with the view at the cabin or the hike.

Thursday, 24 March 2022


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