Kelly Mountain

   Kelly Mountain is an 8,827 ft peak to the West of Hailey. It's actually very visible in Twin Falls driving down Blue Lakes and I can see it from my kitchen window which was the main reason for wanting to climb it. There is no trail to the peak from any direction, so if you do it, it will be an off-trail bushwhack once you leave the road and start hiking up to the ridgeline or summit. I did the southwest approach from the Kelly Gulch Road. I parked a ways back so that I could make the hike over 5 miles, but you can park closer and go more directly up and down. I don't do many off trail hikes so I can't really compare this to many others. It was fairly tough and steep, but I was expecting that. There were some nice views at the top and the weather wasn't too bad. There are some good camping spots along the road as well which I didn't know about.

Thursday, 24 March 2022


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