Cache Peak/Mt Independence

   I had wanted to do Cache Peak and Mount Independence last year but when I tried to drive up there the roads were already covered in snow higher up, so I put them off until this year. Today I finally got around to getting these two done. Both are right next to each other and can be seen from pretty much anywhere around the southern Idaho area. Cache Peak is the highest peak in Idaho south of the Snake River and also is the highest point in Cassia County at 10,339 feet. I parked my vehicle further back than I probably needed to but didn't want to risk damage so my hike was longer than most that do these two peaks. From where the road dead-ends the hike to both peaks is about 6 miles. For me it was about 9.5. Not a totally clear day so I didn't get too many good pictures of Castle Rocks, Graham Peak, or Mt Harrison which are all around. I did get a few good pictures of the Independence lakes which I did hike to last year. There is no real trail up Cache that I could see. There was an ok one from the trailhead to Independence. Nice hike, and good to get this one out of the way.

Thursday, 24 March 2022


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